We have noticed a huge increased in traffic recently and thought we should take the time to refresh everyone on who we are, both individually and as a shop.
Black Abbey is an aesthetics studio.
We are bringing you the very best in tattooing, cosmetic tattooing, hand poked tattooing, tattoo removal, body piercing, fine body jewellery, apparel and gallery space all under one roof, in the heart of Glasgow.
We aim to offer you a different and inclusive experience in something more than just a tattoo studio.
Keep reading to find out a little bit more about each member of the Black Abbey Clergy.
Sara loves to take on all sorts of subject matter in her tattoos, her favourite being what she calls "Enchanted Nature" - all things that grow, scuttle, squeak and lurk, all with a fairytale illustration influence. She is growing her own personal 'Vegicanicum' across many of her clients with her personified vegetables.
Have a look at her gallery below to see examples of Sara's work or click to go to Sara's Instagram Page
Ross likes to specialise in being a nuisance to rest of the shop staff and dark and intricate tattoos, inspired by all things horror and 80s memorabilia. If you're feeling brave, he regularly runs a "if you're brave enough competition' to give the winner a free tattoo, be warned that you shouldn't enter if you can't commit!
Scroll down to see examples of Ross's work or click to go to Ross' Instagram page.
Fiona is a woman of may talents and has clients in on a weekly basis for all sorts, you can book in with Fiona for the following:
Cosmetic Tattooing - brows, lips, areola enhancement, lash line enhancement, faux freckles/beauty spots and scalp micropigmentation.
Laser and non-laser tattoo removal
Body Piercing
She takes a lot of inspiration from historic runes, Wiccan culture and nature in her tattooing.
Fiona loves big earrings, gold jewellery and natural Onyx stones. She is pleased to be able to bring her love to you with some of the world's most incredible jewellery brands. Check out her store to browse, or purchase your next dream piece.
Allan AKA Wee Aldo
Allan is a self taught tattoo artist that is obsessed with the aesthetic of the perfect - imperfect.
His style is all things punk, erotic, trashy and underground and he is obsessed with woodcut engravings and old school tattoo flash.
Here to help you mark up your body for life with the statement ink you need,
tattooed with love.
See some of Allan's favourite recent work below, or head over to Alan's Instagram page.
Many of you will have met Rob if you have been in the studio already. He is our technical behind the scenes wizard and all round handy hero.

A specialist service engineer in his day job, Rob can be found behind the desk at Black Abbey when he is not working away.
He is a man of many talents, having been in tattoo studios for the last 15 years, Rob has gone on to become our piercing assistant as well as a fully qualified laser tattoo removal technician.
The elusive Techno Hexe has very little in the way of online persona.
As his name suggests, his tattoos are a curious combination of biomechanics and folklore, featuring poppets, nature, and primitive motifs with a dystopian sci fi twist.
The mysterious Techno Hexe has recently come from a brief sabbatical and is glad to be back at in the studio.
Make your way over to his instagram page and contact him directly for his availability. Scroll down to see examples of Techno_hexe's work
We would also like to add a friendly reminder about contacting artists directly for enquiries and booking. All our artist currently book their own appointments via their instagram pages.
You can find all their instagram pages in their bios on the website or HERE
Piercing appointments and consultations for Fiona can be booked online with her booking app or again, using her instagram.
You cannot book appointments, or consultations via the Black Abbey Instagram page.
Now that we are all up to speed again, let's catch up on what's been going on this week!

Fiona used standard titanium jewellery in the lobe and Chloe treated herself to this Willow pierce from @junipurrjewelry.
We have made treating yourself even easier with @clearpay_uk, head over to our website to reserve your dream piece and you can have it right away but pay it up over 4 smaller instalments.
Sara smashed out this amazing wrap around piece with some superb, drawn on mushrooms!
Drawing tattoos on not only gives you the exact, original art you wanted, but it also means that designs can be made to fit exactly in the space you have!

Ross did another amazing piece of his flash sheets this week, it turned out just as clean and solid as always.
Allan did a super clean and simple pair of carnations, and it fits his clients are perfectly!

Fiona has been super busy this month with her Helix promo, unfortunately she is fully booked until the end of the month. Her are some of her recent favourites from the last couple of weeks!
Don't despair though, next month's piercing promo is Micro Dermals!
For the whole month of August, Dermal anchors will be just £25 each!
The price will include a single piercing, standard jewellery or a Gem top and an aftercare pack.

Dermal anchors, also known as microdermals or single point piercings, can be placed on almost any flat surface of the body, but are most commonly placed on the cheekbones, on the collar bones, back of the neck, arms, hips, or chest.
You can book your appointment via the booking app or contacting Fiona directly over on her instagram page.
The month of August also brings us one of our favourite promos, Friday the 13th!
Fiona and Allan are both taking part this year, and have you covered with a range of tattoo designs and piercings.
Fiona has very limited space left, thanks to everyone who booked in so far.
The piercings included in the offer are as follows -
Your £13 piercing will include standard titanium jewellery OR jewellery from our promo board as well as our free aftercare pack.
You can book piercings via the App and they will be discounted at the time of your appointment.
Age restrictions will apply, please use the contact page for further information on all terms and conditions.
Please remember all piercings are anatomy dependent and that we will not be offering a ring option on all piercings.
Fiona also has a sheet of tattoo designs, all priced at £31!
There are still a few tattoo designs to choose from:

Allan also has a flash sheet available for the same offer, Each design is £31 for an arm or leg placement.
If you would prefer a different placement or colouring, thats ok, this will just be an additional charge.
Appointments with Allan can be made by contacting him directly via his Instagram page, check out his available designs below.

Another week done, thank you to everyone who braved Glasgow's heatwave to come in and see us, please remember to keep hydrated, look after your animals and keep your new (and old tattoos) protected from the sun.
We cannot tattoo sunburned skin.
Now, with talks of rain looming over us, we are off to relax in the sunshine while its still here!